Metaverse is now going to be very popular every day. Some people say that the Metaverse is going to be our next future. But you know that they are wrong. Metaverse is already here as Decentraland, which is leading the game. A few days ago, we heard that Samsung is opening a Store in the Decentarland Metaverse for a certain period. Now we heard that the Australian open Decentraland Metaverse. Yeah, I am not joking; for these, you can watch the Australian Open in Decentraland Metaverse.
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How Australian Open Decentraland Brings Tennis to the Metaverse
It is interesting to know that, but this Decentraland is very good news for the Tennis Lover, as per the rise of COVID-19 viruses, which are again spreading with their new variants. Many people are messing up their favorite sports like Tennis, Football. So, this Decentraland Metaverse is open for tennis players right now. So those Tennis fans who cannot visit the Stadium for such reasons are now watching the live matches by sitting in their homes.
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There were too many questions running in your head about the Decentraland Metaverse. So, our research team does some research about the Decentraland.
Australian Open In Decentraland
What is the specialty of the Samsung Store? Samsung opens a Live DJ band playing live in the Decentraland Metaverse. And this Band is so famous for their music. So people worldwide could visit the great party by sitting at their home.
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Well, it is a similar way that you are all going to be the witness of the great party of the Australian Open in Metaverse. So, this Grand Slam party of the year is scheduled for January. But this time there were some surprises including in the Stadium to do some more exciting things.
But from this Decentraland Metaverse, you can get the best experience to see a live Australian Open Grand Slam in the Decentraland Metaverse.
Decentraland With NFTs
The first event of Metaverse will have data-driven NFTs. So, from these NFTs, you can get the chance to win the ball of the match, or from NFTs, you can also own your Stadium or any moment from NFTs.
Genuinely, you all enjoy the Australian Open live in Decentraland Metaverse. And there were some of the free wearable stuff from NFTs and will also be from Airdropped.
What will be the venue of the Decentraland Metaverse?
According to the sources, we have heard that the Australian Open in Decentraland will resemble the Rob Laver Arena. Rob Laver Arena is a park in Melbourne City, Australia. In this park, Australian people open their events.
The Metaverse Stadium is being designed the same as the actual Stadium. In the Decentraland Metaverse, you can explore the whole Stadium and even watch the live matches in the Stadium.
What is the Timing of the Venue
The event in the Decentraland Metaverse will be scheduled on 17 January 2022 and will end on 30 January 2022. You can follow the AO Metaverse Official Twitter Handle to see the matches you love to watch.