How Big Data is Revolutionizing Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a complex problem faced by millions of people. Companies store their critical data in multi-cloud environments that do not adhere to the various security threats. Basically, many loopholes in the system allow the hackers to gain unauthorized access and thus exploit the user’s data. 

In this digital era, big data and the Internet of Things, data collection has been ingested as much as petabytes. This situation is both an opportunity and a risk for most businesses. You should be familiar with big data technologies if you are in cybersecurity. 

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The Role of Big Data in Strengthening Cybersecurity

Big data ushered numerous possibilities from an analytics and cybersecurity standpoint. Advanced algorithms are developed to protect critical data and thus prevent future cyber attacks. 

With the development of big data, the demand for cybersecurity has risen since it has also given cybercriminals the opportunity to access the personal data of millions of users through the use of advanced technologies.

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Threats and Opportunities 

Basically, There are mainly three main security threats that businesses are running with big data:

  • Protecting sensitive and personal information
  • Data rights and ownership
  • Lack of talented workforce

It means that an advanced system must be required to analyze over 5 GB of data every second to prevent cyber attacks, malware, and potential threats. 

Traditionally, more advanced security tools are required to mine data and thus prevent cyber attacks. These tools lack efficiency and, therefore, distract from actual threats. Additionally, these tools don’t have the required bandwidth to deal with such a vast amount of data.

So, What’s the solution, and how can we use big data to prevent cyber security attacks?

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Big Data in Cyber Security 

Cyber Security needs an algorithm that analyzes big data and detects security issues faster to prevent any attack.

  • Prediction with Machine Learning 

The integration of machine learning with big data helps the system analyze historical and current data to analyze and predict threat patterns. It will help to find the touchpoints of attackers to prevent any attack. The advanced algorithms automatically find the vulnerability pattern.

  • Automation & Monitoring at scale 

One of the major causes of cyberattacks is because of the ignorance of the employees. Employees are completely unaware of the cyber threats and don’t have the right information on how to deal with these attacks.

Popular data monitoring tools are Nagios, Splunk, and OSSEC.

  • Intrusion Detection in Real Time

Generally, it is hard to monitor and find vulnerabilities in real-time. However, big data analytics solve this problem by completely automating the process at scale. Furthermore, intrusion detection systems (IDS) can be enhanced with real-time analytics to provide a detailed way to detect any suspicious activities and malware activities.


Big data analytics for cyber security has the immense potential to do wonders, and it strengthens the ability of the organization to deal with attackers and data breaches. The analysis of threat patterns and predictions could be done through the use of advanced machine learning algorithms. 

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