Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 Exotic and Mythic Weapons Guide

In Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2, Exotic and Mythic weapons are key to gaining an advantage in battle. This guide will help you find and use these powerful weapons to dominate your opponents.

In Fortnite, guns are divided into different Colours. The grey colour weapon took the least damage in Fortnite. However, Green Colour Weapons took more damage than Grey Colour Weapons. Purple Colour weapons will take more damage than Grey and Green coloured weapons. The last, Golden-colored weapons, took the highest damage in Fortnite. Each colour weapon has its special abilities in the game. But the question is, where are the new exotic weapons in Fortnite?

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Complete Guide to Exotic and Mythic Weapons in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2

Exotic Weapons can be purchased from the NPCs, which are found in a very specific location around the Battle Royal Map. A total of six exotics are present on the Fortnite Battle Royal Map right now. So, in this article, I will discuss where we can find all the exotic weapons. 

If you are not sure about these weapons, this means a great loot pool of Fortnite, which helps you to win Victory Crown. There is very limited time to purchase these Exotic Weapons, and normally, they can be bought in four to five. It means that each of the players can purchase these weapons in a full squad and carry them through the rounds of the Battle Royal.

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Exotic weapons come with special features, like Sniper rifles that have explosive rounds under their sawed-off shotgun, which gives you an incredible Knockback effect. 

However, mythic weapons are very different in a few ways. The first key difference between exotic weapons and mythic weapons is that mythic weapons can not be purchased; they are found in chests. Let me clear your doubt by taking an example: in the last season, the Foundation held Mythic MK-7 Assault Rifle, and it was the best and the most wanted gun on the Whole Map. Now, it is very rare, and you can only find it in special places like Daily Bugle. 

Finding the NPCs that dish them out very easily and enough, but it is not easy to gather Gold Bars as Each Exotic Weapon costs 400 Gold Bars, so you can collect all the Gold Bars by eliminating Players from the Chests, ATMs, And after completing the Bounty Hunter.

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There were different types of Exotic Weapons like Pistols and Sniper Rifles. So before going and finding where these exotic weapons are, let’s take a look at the above paragraph, and you will discover where to find Them. 

Currently, there are only six exotic weapons and three mythic weapons available on the Battle Royal Island. These numbers of guns will change as the season goes on, and when they update, we will change and update you. So, In Chapter 3, Season 2, Here’s the list of All Exotic and Mythic Weapons around the Island available.

WeaponSpecial abilityLocationNPCPrice (gold bars)
1. Storm Scout Sniper RifleReveals future storm circle when using ADSRandom Seven Outpost / Sanctuary / Synapse StationThe Imagined / The Foundation / The Scientist500
2. Boom Sniper RifleFires explosive roundsThe Daily Bugle / Launchpad / Random Seven OutpostPeely / The Visitor / Agent Jones600
3. Shadow Tracker PistolSilenced pistol that pings enemies on contactCamp CuddleMetal Team Leader / Cuddlepool400
4. The Dub ShotgunDeals a strong knockback effect and high damage in CQCThe JonesesAny Joneses NPC except Brainiac500
5. Marksman Six Shooter PistolHigh rate of fire and high damage revolverCamp CuddleCuddle Team Leader / Quackling400
6. Night Hawk PistolScoped revolver with high damageSanctuary / The JonesesThe Origin / Brainiac400
7. Huntmaster Saber’s Mythic Thermal RifleBest possible Thermal RifleCommand Cavern airshipHuntmaster Saber0, boss battle
8. Gunnar’s Mythic Stinger RifleBest possible Stinger SMGCommand CavernGunnar0, boss battle
9. Slone’s Mythic Striker Burst RifleBest possible Striker Burst RifleThe FortressSlone0, boss battle

Wrapping Up

Fortnite is the most popular game all over the World. In the New Chapter, Fortnite Updates with its unique concept of Exotic Weapons. As we know, weapons in Fortnite are very important, but some of the weapons are very special, and you can purchase gold bars to get them. So, as you know, Fortnite Guns are divided into different colours, and their colours damage each other greatly. So here I have listed some of the locations where you can find it and play with the Exotic and Mythic Weapons. You can freely ask me in the comment sections; our team will see your comment and help you clear all your doubts. 

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