How to Mint NFT Without Paying Gas Fees – Ultimate Guide

Minting NFTs typically involves paying gas fees, but did you know there are ways to create NFTs without any associated costs? In this guide, we’ll explore how you can mint your own NFT without paying gas fees.

Are you an investor or creator in the Metaverse NFTs? Are you fed up paying gas fees for minting NFT artwork and want to avoid it? Yes, it can be possible by the new concept of lazy minting where you don’t need to pay any gas fees. 

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Multiple NFT marketplaces, such as OpenSea and Rarible, implemented this new concept of lazy minting. The main disadvantage of the traditional way of minting NFTs is high gas fees discouraging NFT investors worldwide. There is risk involved in minting NFT because these investors have to pay high gas fees and are unsure if their NFT will be sold. So, the lazy minting of NFTs became the main relief for such creators. 

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How to Mint NFTs Without Paying Gas Fees: Easy and Free Methods

This post explains the new concept of lazy minting and how it helps new creators and developers. This post will thoroughly explore the idea of Lazing minting NFT and its works. Now, let’s first understand the lazing minting concept. 

Are you an investor or creator in the Metaverse NFTs? Are you fed up paying gas fees for minting NFT artwork and want to avoid it? Yes, it can be possible by the new concept of lazy minting where you don’t need to pay any gas fees. 

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Multiple NFT marketplaces, such as OpenSea and Rarible, implemented this new concept of lazy minting. The main disadvantage of the traditional way of minting NFTs is high gas fees discouraging NFT investors worldwide. There is risk involved in minting NFT because these investors have to pay high gas fees and are unsure if their NFT will be sold. So, the lazy minting of NFTs became the main relief for such creators. 

This post explains the new concept of lazy minting and how it helps new creators and developers. This post will thoroughly explore the idea of Lazing minting NFT and its works. Now, let’s first understand the lazing minting concept. 

What is Minting?

Minting is the only way to create NFT and earn money in the NFT marketplace; traditionally, it costs a lot to mint the NFT artwork because there is a high gas fee involved. However, they had to pay the hefty gas fees and were unsure whether it worked. 

How to Mint NFT Without any Gas Fees?

If you think you cannot mint an NFT for free, let me be clear that you are wrong!

So, in the above paragraph, I will tell you how to mint NFT without paying any gas fees from platforms like OpenSea and Rarible.

How to Mint NFT without any Gas Fees on OpenSea?

For minting an NFT without paying any gas fees, through the OpenSea marketplace, you can do this. The only thing that you can do is that you need to be very careful and follow these steps.

Create Account

To create an account in OpenSea, go to the website You can connect your digital wallet to it and use MetaMask Wallet by going into the profile on the upper right. 


Once you have connected your wallet to the website, go to the profile icon and click on My Collections. After that, press Create A Collection. Af if you are wondering how to maintain NFT, you don’t need to be worried about it. You can choose a single NFT instead of NFT collections.


After that, you need to fill in all the details regarding this, like the Logo Image of your collection, banned image, URL, Category, Description, Royalty of your collection featured Images, and the Walle address. 


You can find the blockchain options once you have copied the wallet address if you want a mint for your NFT for free. You need to change the blockchain to Polygon. You can also change the display theme and click on the Create option.

Add Items

Suppose you need to add an item to it. Here, you can add an image, video, and Audio. After that, add a name, Description, external link, and other details and click Create. 

That it! You have successfully minted your NFT and can now put it into your NFT marketplace. 

How to Mint NFT without Gas Fees on Rarible?

For Knowing now add your Mint your NFT with any Gas fees through Rarible.

Sign In

The first step is to go to the Rerible website and log into your account with your Digital Wallet. If you use the Reliable platform for the first time, you need to set up a professional profile. 

Create Collectible

When you complete your first step, click the Create option to create an NFT. Now you can choose between a Multiple or single collectible as your choice. 


Once you have chosen your NFT between the single or multiple collectibles, you must upload the file you want to transform into your NFT. Then, you can click the Choose File and select the file you wish to transfer into NFT.

Choose Collection

Now you can select the Rerible option and Mining the NFT without gas fees. From this option, you don’t need to pay any gas fees; only the buyer will be required to pay fees if you turn this option. 

Other Details

After you do this, fill up all the other details, such as Royalty amount, Description, and titles for your NFT. And then click on the Create Items, and after that upload, the part will be finished. Now, the next step you can do is to click on the Sign-in on the pop-up right side and again click on the Sign to complete the process. 

So from this process, you have completed all the processes of Mining your NFT. Now, your NFT is on sale on Rarible.

Wrapping Up

With this, you will reach the end of the article on minting Your NFT without gas fees. So in this article, we have discussed that two minting platforms register your NFT without any gas fees.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! You can mint your NFT without paying any gas fees through these two platforms: Rarible and OpenSea.
If your NFT doesn’t sell in the NFT Marketplace, you can re-mint or delete it. However, it costs more gas fees.
You must pay gas fees whenever your order is placed or canceled for an NFT. Even if your NFT is lazy minting, you must pay gas fees for minting.

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