Difference Between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0: Key Comparisons

Most people were asking about the “Difference Between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0” and why it is so essential in Blockchain technology. So, to understand Web 2.0 and 3.0, we have to start from the day the Internet was introduced to the World.

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The Internet was first introduced to the World in 1993, and many applications have been created or altered according to the users. But this application changed the lives of regular people. To assure the users of a better experience or even a great experience of the Internet that served as a vital boost for the adoption of the Internet. 

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The evolution of the Internet can be discussed into 5 Stages, and now the whole Internet has shifted towards Web 5.0. But with Web 2.0 and 3.0, almost every person used to develop anything on the Internet. But why is it so important? Many of you are looking for the proper definition, and what are the benefits of Web 2.0 and 3.0? To understand Web 2.0 and 3.,0, we need an overview of the other 4 Web stages. With the help of these overviews, you can easily understand and quickly get the advantages and limitations of Web 2.0 and 3.0. 

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  • Web 1.0

When the Internet was introduced to the World in 1993, the first version of the Internet, Web 1, was announced to the World. The preliminary task of the Internet is too focused on read-only Applications. At that Time, the websites primarily saved the role of setting your online presence to deliver your content to the user. 

  • Web 2.0

Now, Web 2.0 has been introduced to the World. But now the Internet has evolved, and this Time, the Internet has started to read and write on the Web. Web 2.0 allows users to interact with the Internet with adequate controls. At that Time, Big Tech Giants like Facebook and Twitter had introduced their first app or website in the Web 2.0 era of the Internet. 

  • Web 3.0

In Web 3.0, many changes occurred on the Internet. Like the semantic Web, integration, data, automation, and discovery, along with the encouragement of globalization and mobility. This Time world is the first Decentralization and AI (Artificial Intelligence) Word. With the help of Decentralization, the Main aim of Web 3.0 is to offer the best of Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, and partial 3D computing. 

The Effects of Web 3.0 on the Social Media Platforms

Meta Announced their first 3D Advertisement on the Web 3 platforms this year. It is not the first Time Meta has developed new plans or ideas to attract its users to the Facebook Marketplace. Not only VNTANA but Meta also partnered with the AR company PerfectCorp, which provides a better shopping experience, primarily if the product is related to some beauty or cosmetic products. Now, Meta is partnered with VNATANA, which also offers 3D ads for its products. 

  • Web 4.0

Web 4.0 has been introduced, and it comes with great responsibility and heavy functionality. The main aim of Web 4.0 is to use wireless communications to enable connectivity between people and objects in the physical or virtual World.

  • Web 5.0

Web 5.0 helps the user design decentralized web platforms that can allow flexibility and all the resources for developing the decentralized web application for the users. 

According to the experts, Web 5.0 is still under development. Some of them say that Web 5.0 is a combination of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. 

There are many jobs for Web 3.0 around you, and you can quickly get the jobs if you have the skills I mentioned here. 

But we were talking about the differences between Web 2.0 and 3.0. So shall we go on the differences?

What is the difference between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0?

There were several differences between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. To understand the Benefits and the features, we need to differentiate Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 in Separate Ways:-

Web 2.0 – Features and Benefits

I have already told you that Web 2.0 is the Second Phase of Internet Evolution. Web 2.0 helps us read and write all the information and have a personalized experience on the Internet.

Several programming languages, like JavaScrpit Programming Language, were introduced during this phase, making programming easier for upcoming developers to build user-friendly applications. In this phase of Time, the First Adobe Flesh Software Applications were introduced to the World. 

Many people use Web 2 as user-generated content, which allows the user the following types:-

  1. It makes it easy for the authors to use and share knowledge with the Audience. 
  2. Web 2.0 can produce and Publish all the Dynamic Content on the Internet. 
  3. It helps us interact in real-time.
  4. It can use Web APIs for Popular Applications to develop applications and increase the Audience. 

Web 2.0 Limitations

Every Time something is developed, it comes with its limitations. The era of Web 2.0 is a time when Marketer is highly targeted advertising on the Internet. The major limitation of Web 2.0 is that big companies exploit the Audience’s data to provide personalized ads, which causes vast amounts of data to be stolen from the company.

Data Exploit is not the only limitation; there were other limitations of Web 2.0. In several cases, security issues have led to cyber-attacks and hacking, as this kind of attack causes the leak of user personal information. 

The Limitation of Web 2.0 is the third-party application moderated communication between the two ends.

What is Web 3.0?

As mentioned, Web 3.0 is the third phase of Internet Evolution that leverages Blockchain Technology and Decentralized Apps to the Audience. All the applications that are built in this phase of Time and with this technology are Known as Decentralized Apps or DApps. The best example is if you are familiar with the Metaverse and Cryptocurrencies like Ethereum. Web 3.0 approached the Store, Share, and Access the Data.

The famous Apple Siri, Wolfram Alpha, and video sites like Odysee are built using Web 3.0 application technology. As Web 3.0 is in the early stages of adoption, primary tasks are in progress. 

Features and Benefits of Web 3.0

Web 3.0 features audience data that cannot be changed or deleted by anyone, whether the Government, police or any other organization, without proper access. 

If you download any application like the Crypto Application, the Government or any other organization cannot change the data. All the permissions you grant to use the services and your data will be equally granted to all on the Network, and no one can claim your data or any of your information. So, to delete the data from your machine or any of your networks doesn’t mean that your data is removed from all of your devices or the Network.

It means if the server fails or has a shutdown, it doesn’t affect the Web 3.-0 Services or any of your Data. All the payment applications that operate the Web 3.0 applications operate independently without accessing your personal information. 

Limitation Of Web 3.0

Here, I mentioned some of the Limitations of Web 3.0 that you all need to know:-


Developing will need to navigate all the obstacles to build a user-friendly application in Web 3.0. 

Delayed Transactions

Being a distributed system becomes challenging for developers when transaction activities become time-consuming. The other nodes connected to the Network needed to process several payment stages. 

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